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PD Dr Laurence Imhof

Specialist FMH in dermatology I MAS ETH in medical physics I FMCH licence for laser treatment of the skin and mucous membranes close to the skin

Professional activity

From Feb 2025 Specialist in dermatology, aesthetic dermatology and laser treatments, Plastic Surgery Pyramide, Zurich

From Feb 2025 Specialist in dermatology, aesthetic dermatology and laser treatments, Face Atelier by Plastic Surgery Pyramide, Zurich

2014-2024 Medical Director of Laser Medicine and Aesthetic Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich (USZ)
Focus on innovative treatments and complication management

2021-2024 Head Physician and Member of the Clinic Management of the Dermatology Clinic, University Hospital Zurich (USZ)

2017-2020 Senior Consultant at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich (USZ)

2012-2016 Senior physician at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich (USZ)

2008-2011 Assistant physician at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich (USZ)

2006-2007 Assistant doctor at the Clinic for Internal Medicine, Waid City Hospital Zurich and Upper Valais Hospital Centre

2005 Resident in Histocytopathology, Institut Central des Hôpitaux Valaisans, Sion VS

Medical Education

2023 Master's degree ETH in Medical Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich

2021 Venia legendi (Habilitation as Privatdozentin, PD) at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (UZH)

2021 Laser Safety Officer Certificate, ETH Zurich

2018 Clinical Fellowship in Aesthetics & Laser in Asia and the USA, Singapore (National Skin Centre), South Korea (e.g. Yonsei University Hospital), Washington DC (Institute of Dermatological Laser Surgery, Prof. T. Alster), Miami FL (University Hospital)

Since 2014 lecturer and examiner at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (UZH)

2014, 2015 Further training in laser and aesthetic dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA USA

2013 Recognised as a trainer for the FMCH skills programme, laser treatments of the skin and mucous membranes close to the skin for all types (I to VI)

2012 Certificates of competence (I-VI) FMCH for laser treatments of the skin and mucous membranes

2012 FMH specialist title in dermatology and venereology

2006 Completion of doctorate in allergology and doctorate in medicine, University of Bern


President of the FMCH Laser Commission

Member of the Board and Scientific Advisory Board of the Swiss Society for Laser Medicine (SGML)

Reviewer for numerous scientific journals, including Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Melanoma Research, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology (JEADV)

Member Editorial Board Aesthetic Dermatology & Cosmetology

Member Editorial Board Laser Therapy

Member of the SGDV Laser Working Group

Member of the Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venereology (SGDV)

Main research areas

Scientific projects on the interaction of ionising and non-ionising electromagnetic radiation (laser, X-ray, UV radiation) with skin tissue with a focus on innovative therapies and complication management. Further projects in the field of dermatooncology.

Scientific supervision of master's and doctoral students at the Zurich Faculty of Medicine (UZH).


FMCH Laser Commission (responsible for issuing FMCH licences for laser treatments on skin and mucous membranes throughout Switzerland)

Lecturer and examiner at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (UZH) since 2014

Since 2012 Scientific director, moderator and speaker at numerous national and international conferences, including World Congress of Dermatology, Korea Derma, Munich FOBI - Advanced Training Week for Practical Dermatology and Venereology, EADV Congress, Annual Congress of the SGDV

Numerous press interviews as a national and international skin and laser expert, e.g. on Swiss television, Sonntagszeitung, NZZ, NZZ am Sonntag, Tagesanzeiger, Beobachter, Salzburger Nachrichten


Original publications

Schweizer T A, Würmli J S, Prinz J, Wölfle M, Marti R, Koliwer-Brandl H, Rooney A M, Benvenga V, Egli A, Imhof L, Bosshard P P, Achermann Y. (2025). Photodynamic Therapy with Protoporphyrin IX Precursors Using Artificial Daylight Improves Skin Antisepsis for Orthopedic Surgeries. Microorganisms, 13(1), 204. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms13010204

Nguyen L, Seeber N, Baron J M, Hammes S, Karsai S, Fischer T, Imhof L, Kautz G, Sattler S, Deußing M, Dierckxsens C, Thiem A, Drosos Z, Grosse-Buening S, Ganjuur N, Kampmann A, May J K, Schneider S W, Kerscher M, Herberger K (2024).Validation of a Photonumeric Scale for Evaluation of Telangiectasia in Rosacea. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2024 Oct 27. doi: 10.1111/jocd.16593. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39462864.

Ramelyte E, Welti M, Turko P, Gardin F, Maul J T, Dummer R, Imhof L (2024). Post excision soft x-ray radiotherapy for keloids: experience in a tertiary referral centre. Dermatology. 2024 Jun 19:1-9. doi: 10.1159/000539782.

Welti M, Cheng PF, Mangana J, Levesque MP, Dummer R, Imhof L (2023). Addendum: Impact of Covid-19 on the management of patients with metastatic melanoma. Oncotarget. 2023 Sep 25;14:836. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.28496.

Welti M, Cheng P F, Mangana J, Levesque M P, Dummer R, Imhof L (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on the Management of Patients with Metastatic Melanoma. Oncotarget. 2022;13: 1370-1379. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.28333

Sahin U, Reeve K, Tochtermann G, Kilanowski K, Navarini A, Imhof L, Held U, Hofbauer GFL (2022). HautTief Multidisciplinary Educational Program for Patients with Psoriasis or Atopic Dermatitis: A Randomised Controlled Study. Dermatology. 2022;238(6):1050-1059. doi: 10.1159/000524225. Epub 2022 May 9. PMID: 35533665; PMCID: PMC9677846.

Zehnder M, Amarov B, Abrunhosa-Branquinho AN, Maiwald-Urosevic M, Mühleisen B, Saulite I, Anzengruber F, Imhof L, Navarini AA, Cozzio A, Dummer R, Dimitriou F, Guenova E (2022). Radiotherapy as a Treatment Option for Local Disease Control in Primary Cutaneous Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Leg Type. Dermatology. 2022;238(5):967-976. doi: 10.1159/000522053. Epub 2022 Feb 14. PMID: 35158362.

Ak M, Ramelyte E, Imhof L, Mihic-Probst D, Dummer R, Lang C (2022). Adult xanthogranuloma with LMNA-NTRK1 gene fusion - a possible driver of proliferation. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2022 Sep;20(9):1231-1232. doi: 10.1111/ddg.14848. Epub 2022 Aug 26. PMID: 36028468

Meyer SR, Rudzki-Senet A, Emde NL, Imhof L, Dummer R, Barysch MJ (2021). Results of a 10-year web-based health promotion campaign against skin cancer in Switzerland. Eur J Dermatol. 2021 Aug 17. doi: 10.1684/ejd.2021.4094. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34405807.

Wyss N, Graf N, Hafner J, Imhof L (2021). Fractional CO2 laser to improve noticeable scars after skin cancer surgery: An appraisal by the patients, laypersons, and experts. Dermatol Ther. 2021 Jul;34(4):e14999. doi: 10.1111/dth.14999. Epub 2021 May 31. PMID: 34022110.

Ramelyte E, Restivo G, Imhof L, Nägeli MC, Dummer R (2021). How to break resistance to hedgehog inhibitors in advanced basal cell carcinoma? Br J Dermatol. 2021 Feb;184(2):359-361. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19501. Epub 2020 Dec 28. PMID: 32867002.

Maul JT, Distler M, Kolios A, Graf N, Navarini AA, Imhof L, Schmid-Grendelmeier P (2021). canakinumab Lacks Efficacy in Treating Adult Patients with Moderate to Severe Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria in a Phase II Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Single Centre Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Jan;9(1):463-468.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2020.07.058.

Walther M, Dummer R, Imhof L (2020). Light-based therapies and scar sarcoidosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020 Dec;34(12):e805-e807. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16667. Epub 2020 Jul 21. PMID: 32455483.

Turiello R, Capone M, Giannarelli D, Morretta E, Monti MC, Madonna G, Mallardo D, Festino L, Azzaro R, Levesque MP, Imhof L, Weide B, Amaral T, Chevrier M, Sucker A, Rutkowski P, Schadendorf D, Lebbe C, Luke JJ, Wistuba-Hamprecht K, Dummer R, Pinto A, Morello S, Ascierto PA (2020). Serum CD73 is a prognostic factor in patients with metastatic melanoma and is associated with response to anti-PD-1 therapy. J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Dec;8(2):e001689. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2020-001689. PMID: 33361405; PMCID: PMC7759961.

Imhof L, Leuthard D (2020). Topical Over-the-Counter Antiaging Agents: An Update and Systematic Review. Dermatology. 2020 Sep 3:1-13. doi: 10.1159/000509296.

Grünherz L, Keijzer W, Uyulmaz S, Fertsch S, Imhof L, Käser S, Farhadi J, Lindenblatt N (2020). Donor site aesthetics and morbidity after DIEP flap breast reconstruction-A retrospective multicentre study [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 9]. Breast J. 2020 Oct;26(10):1980-1986. doi: 10.1111/tbj.14003. Epub 2020 Aug 9. PMID: 32772447

Waldmann I, Schmid T, Prinz J, Mühleisen B, Zbinden R, Imhof L*, Achermann Y* (2020). Photodynamic therapy improves skin antisepsis as a prevention strategy in arthroplasty procedures: A pilot study. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2020 Sep;31:101941. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2020.101941. Epub 2020 Aug 3. PMID: 32755635. *contributed equally, shared last authorship

Läuchli S, Cozzio A, Feldmeyer L, Görög JP, Imhof L, Kägi M, Keller B, Laffitte E, Mainetti C, Moser A, Yawalkar N, Zeller A, Navarini A. Swiss Practice Recommendations for the Treatment of Acne (2020). Derm Helv. 2020.

Ziegler JS, Kroeze S, Hilbers ML, Imhof L, Guckenberger M, Levesque MP, Dummer R, Cheng P, Mangana J (2020). Toxicity of combined targeted therapy and concurrent radiotherapy in metastatic melanoma patients: a single-centre retrospective analysis. Melanoma Res. 2020 Dec;30(6):552-561. doi: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000682. PMID: 32658050; PMCID: PMC7643789.

Vent A, Surber C, Johansen N TG, Figueiredo V, Schönbächler G, Imhof L, Buset C, Hafner J (2020). Lidocaine 1%, epinephrine 1:100'000 with sodium hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate) admixture in mixing ratio 3:1 is less painful than in mixing ratio 9:1: A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. J Am Acad Dermatol . 2020 Jan 17. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.09.088

Eggenschwiler C DC, Dummer R, Imhof L (2020). Laser Treatment of Accidental Tattoos: Experience at a Tertiary Referral Centre. Dermatology. 2020;236(4):383-389. doi: 10.1159/000506459.

Welti M, Ramelyte E, Dummer R, Imhof L (2020). Evaluation of the minimal erythema dose for UVB and UVA in context of skin phototype and nature of photodermatosis. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2020 May;36(3):200-207. doi: 10.1111/phpp.12537.

Eggenschwiler C DC, Dummer R, Imhof L (2019). Use of Lasers for Iron-Induced Accidental Tattoos: Experience at a Tertiary Referral Centre. Dermatol Surg. 2019 Nov 6 . doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002262

Lazarevic, D, Ramelyte E, Dummer R, Imhof L (2019). Radiotherapy in Periocular Cutaneous Malignancies: A Retrospective Study. Dermatology 235(3): 234-239. doi: 10.1159/000496539.

Eggenschwiler C DC, Dummer R., Imhof L (2019). Iatrogenic Tattoos after Acupuncture: Successful Outcome after Treatment with QS Ruby Laser: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Laser Therapy 28(2):139-144. doi: 10.5978/islsm.28_19-CR-01.

Ramelyte E, Imhof L (2019). Taking daylight PDT home. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 33(4): 629. doi: 10.1111/jdv.15535.

Ramelyte E, Bylaite-Bucinskiene M, Dummer R, Imhof L (2017). Successful Use of Grenz Rays for Disseminated Superficial Actinic Porokeratosis: Report of 8 Cases. Dermatology 233(2-3): 217-222. doi: 10.1159/000478855.

Anzengruber F, Czernielewski J, Conrad C, Feldmeyer L, Yawalkar N, HäusermannP, Cozzio A, Mainetti C, Goldblum D, Läuchli S, Imhof L, Brand P, Lafitte E, Navarini AA (2017). Swiss S1 guideline for the treatment of rosacea. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 31(11): 1775-1791. doi: 10.1111/jdv.14349.

Imhof L, Dummer R, Dreier J, Kolm I, Barysch MJ (2016). A Prospective Trial Comparing Q-Switched Ruby Laser and a Triple Combination Skin-Lightening Cream in the Treatment of Solar Lentigines. Dermatol Surg 42(7): 853-857. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000000793.

Imhof L, Meier B, Frei P, Kamarachev J, Rogler G, Kolios A, Navarini AA, Contassot E, French LE (2015). Severe Sweet's Syndrome with Elevated Cutaneous Interleukin-1beta after Azathioprine Exposure: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Dermatology 230(4): 293-298. doi: 10.1159/000371879.

Imhof L, Dummer R. (2014). Iatrogenic tattoo after iron infusion. Swiss Medical Forum 14(40): 750-751.

Feldmeyer L, Shojaati G, Spanaus KS, Navarini A, Theler B, Donghi D, Urosevic-Maiwald M, Glatz M, Imhof L, Barysch MJ, Dummer R, Roos M, French LE, Surber C, Hofbauer GF (2013). Phototherapy with UVB narrowband, UVA/UVBnb, and UVA1 differentially impacts serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D3. J Am Acad Dermatol 69(4): 530-536. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2013.04.058.

Imhof L, Goldinger SM, Baumann K, Schad K, French LE, Röthlisberger P, Dummer R (2011). The antibacterial substance, taurolidine in the second/third-line treatment of very advanced stage IV melanoma including brain metastases: results of a phase 2, open-label study. Melanoma Res 21(1): 80-83. doi: 10.1097/CMR.0b013e328341442d.

Imhof L, Kerl K, Barysch MJ, Dummer R, French LE, Hofbauer GF (2011). Facial blaschkitis: case and review. Dermatology 223(1): 1-3. doi: 10.1159/000328136.

Imhof L, Trüeb R, Kerl K, French L E, Hofbauer G FL (2010). Relapsing coalescent papular dermatosis in an elderly patient. Dermatologica Helvetica (3).

Goldinger S M, Imhof L, Cozzio A, Braun R, Dummer R (2009). Melanoma of the skin - incidence, clinic, stages, current treatment modalities. Swiss Journal of Oncology(2).

Strobel K, B. B., Dummer R, Vait-Haibach P, Fischer D R, Imhof L, Goldinger S, Steinert H C, von Schulthess G K (2009). Limited value of 18F-FDG PET/CT and S-100B tumour marker in the detection of liver metastases from uveal melanoma compared to liver metastases from cutaneous melanoma. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imagin 36: 1774-1782. doi: 10.1007/s00259-009-1175-0.

Gex-Collet C, Imhof L, Brattström A, Pichler WJ, Helbling A (2006). The butterbur extract petasin has no effect on skin test reactivity induced by different stimuli: a randomized, double-blind crossover study using histamine, codeine, methacholine, and aeroallergen solutions. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 16(3): 156-161.

Textbook contributions / Online encyclopaedia

Imhof L, Ramelyte E, Dummer R (2022). Porokeratosis. UpToDate. R. J. K, Wolters Kluwer Health: Topic 13721 Version 19.0

Theiler M, Quast J, Imhof L (2017). Laser therapy. In: Plastic surgery in children and adolescents. Schiestl C (ed.), pp. 277-290, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Imhof L (2016). Laser consultation. In: 100 years of the Dermatological Clinic Zurich. M L Geiges (ed.), p. 83, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Press / media appearances

Imhof L. Interview by Bauer-Delto A: "Anti-Aging with Cosmeceuticals?" In: "ästhetische dermatologie & kosmetologie" ( 2024). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Wiget G: "Facelifting without a scalpel" In: Tagesanzeiger (April 2024). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Benelli N: "Even very young people want to have aesthetic procedures done". In: Walliser Bote (January 2024). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Wiget G: "How to get a facelift without a scalpel" In: Schweizer Familie (March 2024). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Vakeesan T : "Anti-Aging. The business with the skin" In: PULS. 30 Minutes. SRG. SRF 1, Zurich: 02 October 2023. Television.

Imhof L. Interview by Lager D: "Tattoos - Better living with body jewellery" In: PULS. 30 Minutes. SRG. SRF1, Zurich: 04 September 2023. Television.

Imhof L. Interview by Naef V: "Naturkosmetik: Reizende Pflanzen" In: vitagate.ch (Sept. 2022)

Imhof L. Interview by Welsch A. T: "Le laser est le traitement le plus efficace contre les taches brunes iatrogènes". In: SkinMag (2021). Print.

Imhof L. Quotes in "Laser, injections, excision - or a combination of everything": In: SkinMag (2021). Print.

Imhof L. Citations in "Laser medical applications for different types of scars". In: Dermatology Practice (2021; Vol. 31, No. 2). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Niederer A: "Rätselhafte weisse Hautflecken" In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (May 2020). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Krättli N: "Anti-Aging: Can wrinkles really be prevented? " In: Beobachter (Aug. 2020). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Oettig M: ˮTight, elastic, smooth: How to strengthen your connective tissueˮ In: myHEALTH (September 2020). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Welsch A. T.: "Laser is most effective for iatrogenic iron tattoos". In: SkinMag (2020). Print

Imhof L. Quotes in "What is crucial for successful filler treatments?". In: Dermatology Practice (2020; Vol. 30, No. 4). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Müller M: "Skin ageing: Avoid the midday sun" In: Beobachter (June 2020). Print

Imhof L. Quotes in "Tight in four weeks?" In: Leading Opinions (Dec 2020). universimed.com

Imhof L. Quotes in "Do products containing titanium dioxide harbour health risks?". In: Dermatology Practice (2020; Vol. 30, No. 4). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Frey O.: "Depilation methods" In: PULS. 30 Minutes. SRG. SRF1, Zurich: 24 June 2019. Television.

Imhof L. Interview by Brendler M.: ˮWith modern lasers, tattoos are supposed to be removed without a traceˮ In: Badische Zeitung (May 2019). Print.

Imhof L. Interview: ˮBeauty treatments for the skin. Now is the time for skin care.ˮ In: Blick (August 2019). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Brendler M.: ˮDas geht unter die Haut: Ohne Schmerzen. wird man Tattoos nicht mehr los.ˮ In: NZZ am Sonntag (March 2019). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Müller ST.: ˮThe sun makes us sick - but also healthy.ˮ In: Einstein, das Wissensmagazin. 30 Minutes. SRG. SRF1, Zurich: 31 May 2018. Television.

Imhof L. Interview by Storz K.: ˮRosazea treatment: What to do when the skin blooms?ˮ In: myHEALTH (June 2018). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Balzarini R.: ˮWith the laser against youthful sins: Tattoo removal is booming - there's just one problem.ˮ In: Aargauer Zeitung (October 2018). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Siegrist P.: ˮDangers of (do-it-yourself) tattoos.ˮ. In: Tagesanzeiger (December 2018). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by M. L.: ˮBetörender Aufschlag, gerötete Augen.ˮ In: Gesundheitstipp (May 2018). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Müller S.: ˮWenn die Haut erste Falten zeigt und was man dagegen tun kann.ˮ In: Zürcher Unterländer / Neues Bülacher Tagblatt (2017). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Füssler C.: ˮWas Tattoofarben anrichtenˮ. In: Die Rheinpfalz (April 2017). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Müller S.: ˮDie Haut braucht Rücksicht.ˮ In: Salzburger Nachrichten (August 2017). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Müller S.: ˮSkin ageingˮ. In: The Observer (July 2017). Print.

Imhof L. "Current research in a nutshell. "What's new" aesthetic dermatology." In Dermatology Practice 2016 27(4). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by F.C. ˮTattoos and piercings - what you should know.ˮ In: Fritz und Fränzi. The Swiss parents' magazine (October 2016). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Büchi S. ˮWrinkles - what helps against the signs of skin ageing?ˮ In: PULS. 30 Minutes. SRG. SRF1, Zurich: 29 Feb. 2016. Television

Imhof L. Interview by Zenklusen R: ˮScars are lasting memories.ˮ In: myHEALTH (November 2016). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Goricanec O. ˮHelp with skin abnormalitiesˮ. Olivia Goricanec. In: annabelle (September 2016). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Grabowsky I. ˮSkin ageing: When creams and ointments are no longer enough.ˮ In: Der Landbote (August 2016).Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Witte D.F.: ˮUnder the skinˮ. In: Swiss Dental Journal (2015). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Baumann J. : ˮUne marque toujours plus éphémère? In : Le Journal du Jura (September 2015). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Weber B.: ˮThe beauty business is running like clockwork.ˮ B. In: SonntagsZeitung (November 2015). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Zanni B.: ˮSchweizer lassen sich Narben-Tattoos ritzen." In: 20 Minuten (June 2015). Print

Imhof L. Interview by Söldi A.: ˮWith smooth, hair-free skin into springˮ. In: Der Landbote (2015). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Alma: ˮLaser for aesthetic and medical indications.ˮ In: Zeitschrift für Dermatologie und Ästhetische Medizin (April 2014). Print.

Imhof L. Interview by Füssgreen A.: ˮWenn man die Tätowierung zu bunt wird.ˮ. In: SonntagsZeitung (September 2013). Print.


German, English, French, Italian, Spanish (basics)