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The body lift is an all-round correction of the silhouette. While earlier surgical procedures focussed mainly on the front abdominal wall and the inner thighs, body lifting is now a technique that allows the body silhouette as a whole to be corrected, particularly in the hip and buttock region.

The incisions required for the operation are made in such a way that they can be concealed by briefs or a swimming costume. A body lift can be combined with liposuction in the thigh area or corrections to the upper arms.

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The operation

Am Tag des Bodyliftings treten Sie eineinhalb bis zwei Stunden vor dem Eingriff in die Klinik Pyramide ein. Sie werden durch das Pflegepersonal und Ihre Ärzte auf den bevorstehenden Eingriff vorbereitet. Dazu gehören die Anfertigung von sogenannten Vorher-Bildern und die Einzeichnung der zukünftigen Silhouette.

Das Bodylifting dauert zwischen vier bis sechs Stunden und wird in Vollnarkose durchgeführt. Zuerst werden in Bauchlage die Gesäss- und äussere Oberschenkelregion gestrafft. Anschliessend werden in Rückenlage Bauch und Oberschenkelinnenseiten operiert.

Beim Bodylifting handelt es sich um einen grösseren chirurgischen Eingriff. Ein Klinikaufenthalt von fünf bis sieben Tagen ist in der Regel notwendig.


After the operation, a special abdominal belt must be worn during the day for six weeks. Several weeks must be expected for the complete healing of the extensive wound areas on various parts of the body. You may be unable to work for up to four weeks.

There is a clear excess of skin on the torso and thighs
There is a clear excess of skin on the torso and thighs
The marked incision allows all-round correction
The marked incision allows all-round correction
The scars from the operation are positioned so that they can be concealed in the briefs or swimming costume
The scars from the operation are positioned so that they can be concealed in the briefs or swimming costume

Frequently asked questions about body lifting

Is the result permanent?

Basically, the more stable the body weight, the greater the chances of a lasting result. Even with slight weight gain, however, a permanent improvement in the body silhouette can be assumed.

If the scars remain visible

With the new body lifting methods, an all-round correction of the silhouette is now possible. The scars from the operation remain visible, but are positioned in such a way that they can be concealed in briefs or a swimming costume.

Are there any risks with a body lift?

In principle, every operation harbours certain risks (e.g. drug intolerance, post-operative bleeding, wound healing disorders, inflammation, scarring problems, sensory disturbances). They also depend on the individual's state of health. The doctor will inform you and discuss possible risks with you during the consultation and preparatory discussions.

How long can I not work?

You should expect to be unable to work for about four weeks.

When can I do sport again?

Sportliche Aktivitäten können nach abgeschlossener Heilung (nach ca. sechs bis acht Wochen) wieder aufgenommen werden.

What does a body lift cost?

The actual cost of a body lift depends on the type and extent of the procedure and can only be determined during a consultation and medical examination. In total, costs of around CHF 25,000 to 35,000 can be expected. A preliminary consultation costs 200 francs.

Does the health insurance company pay for this procedure?

A body lift is not usually covered by health insurance.

Muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, falls ich Medikamente einnehme?

In any case, it is extremely important that you inform the doctor treating you about any illnesses and medication you are taking. Medication containing aspirin (e.g. Aspirin, Aspégic etc.) must not be taken for a fortnight before the operation. Such medication can lead to increased bleeding during the operation and delay the subsequent healing process. The doctor may decide not to perform a planned body lift at any time if the risk of surgery is increased as a result of prior medication.

We are happy to advise you personally

We would be happy to inform you about the details of a treatment in a personal consultation.