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Rhinoplasty (nasal reshaping)

(Nose surgery)

As the centre of the face, the nose can easily become an eye-catcher. A nose that is too large or severely curved cannot simply be concealed, as is possible with disturbing features on the body. For many of those affected, the condition, which is seen as a blemish, becomes a real psychological burden. If, on the other hand, they decide to have a nose operation, they can literally breathe a sigh of relief.

In addition to the aesthetic blemish, there is often also a medical problem (e.g. obstruction of nasal breathing due to a curvature of the nasal septum). This can be corrected in the same operation.

Common nose operations include septorhinoplasty, rhinoplasty, nasal hump surgery, nasal tip correction and nasal reconstruction.

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Situation before the procedure
Situation before the procedure
The offending bump is surgically removed
The offending bump is surgically removed
The profile harmonises with the face
The profile harmonises with the face

Reconstructive surgery and the nose

Reconstructive surgery also recognises corrections to the nose that become necessary due to an accident or congenital deformity, for example. Complex reconstructive techniques are used in particular for open nasal injuries where the skin has been destroyed in an accident and the underlying cartilage and bone material has been exposed. These techniques are also used in the case of malformations such as cleft nose, cleft lip, jaw and palate and the associated typical nasal deformity.

Find out more under Facial reconstruction


Nose surgery

Am Tag der Nasen-OP treten Sie eineinhalb bis zwei Stunden vor dem Eingriff in die Klinik Pyramide ein. Sie werden durch das Pflegepersonal und Ihre Ärzte auf den bevorstehenden Eingriff vorbereitet und über die geplante Narkoseart aufgeklärt.

Die Nasenkorrektur erfolgt unter Vollnarkose und dauert ca. zwei Stunden. Sie kann ambulant in der Tagesklinik oder stationär, d. h. mit Übernachtung in der Klinik Pyramide, durchgeführt werden.

Die Nasenoperation wird mit einer kleinen Narbe am Nasensteg oder geschlossen, d. h. ohne sichtbare Narben, inwendig vorgenommen. Nasenprofil und -grösse werden angepasst, indem von innen Knochen und Knorpel des Nasenskeletts und der Nasenscheidewand abgetragen und geformt werden. Danach wird die Nase innwendig mit Gazestreifen ausgestopft (Tamponade) und von aussen mit einem Gipsverband stabilisiert.

Aftercare following a nose operation

The tamponade is removed after two to five days, the plaster cast after one week. The new nasal profile is then already clearly visible, although the swelling caused by the operation has not yet completely subsided at this point. The swelling will gradually subside over the following weeks, meaning that the final result of the rhinoplasty can only be conclusively assessed after several months. It is also normal for the contour of an operated nose to change again slightly within the first year. In rare cases, this may necessitate a minor follow-up correction.

Sports and other strenuous activities should be avoided for at least four weeks.

Facts and figures about rhinoplasty


1 to 2 hours, under general anaesthetic


Outpatient procedure, optionally 1 night in hospital, removal of the tamponade 2 to 5 days after the operation, plaster removal after 1 week


After 4 to 6 weeks


Unable to work for approx. 2 weeks


From CHF 12,000

We are happy to advise you personally

We would be happy to inform you about the details of a treatment in a personal consultation.

Frequently asked questions about nose surgery

Can I choose my own nose shape?

The correction of the nose profile is carefully planned and discussed with you on the basis of photographs. Your wishes regarding shape and size will of course be taken into account, if technically feasible. However, it is important to ensure that the chosen nose shape really suits your face and harmonises with the rest of your facial features.

Do I have to tell them if I am taking medication?

In any case, it is extremely important that you inform the doctor treating you about any illnesses and medication you are taking. Medication containing aspirin (e.g. Aspirin, Aspégic etc.) must not be taken for a fortnight before the operation. Such medication can lead to increased bleeding during the operation and delay the subsequent healing process. The doctor may decide not to perform a planned nose operation at any time if the risk of surgery is increased as a result of prior medication.

What are the risks associated with rhinoplasty?

In principle, every operation harbours certain risks (e.g. drug intolerance, haematoma, wound healing disorders, inflammation, scarring problems or sensitivity disorders). They also depend on the individual's state of health. The doctor will inform you and discuss possible risks with you during the consultation and preparatory discussion.

Nose surgery can lead to swelling and bruising around the eyes and cheeks. These will disappear again within five to ten days. In rare cases, visible irregularities occur on the bridge of the nose or a renewed deterioration in breathing, combined with a new curvature of the septum. In these situations, a follow-up operation is required.

When will I be able to "socialise" again?

This depends on the individual healing process and your own requirements. The plaster cast is removed after one week. In most cases, you will then be able to go out and about again. The swelling caused by the operation is barely visible, but can be felt, and it can take up to six months, rarely even longer, to heal completely. The discolouration that is still visible in the first few weeks disappears again after a short time.

Does health insurance pay for a nose operation?

The costs of purely aesthetic rhinoplasty (cosmetic surgery) are not covered by health insurance. In the case of medically necessary nose operations (e.g. if nasal breathing is impaired due to a curvature of the nasal septum), the costs are covered in part or in full by health insurance. If the nose operation is the result of an accident, accident insurance may be considered as a cost bearer. However, cost sharing or even full coverage by health or accident insurance requires comprehensive medical clarification.

Podcast on the topic of nose surgery

In the podcast series with Radio 1, our doctor, Dr Georg Noever, answers questions about rhinoplasty
Listen to podcast