Our philosophy of onco-plastic breast cancer treatment

The primary goal of any breast cancer treatment is always the complete removal of the tumour. Through a better understanding of tumour biology, the treatment approach has shifted increasingly in favour of breast-conserving therapies in recent times. However, the complete removal of the breast is unavoidable in around one third of patients. Evidence has shown that breast reconstruction positively influences women’s quality of life and has no disadvantages in terms of prognosis. Before beginning the first treatment, it is important to create a plan that takes into account all oncological aspects as well as the aesthetic needs of the patient.

Second opinion from an onco-plastic surgeon

As well as the oncological cancer treatment, maintaining quality of life is also very important. So the ideal approach is not only to defeat the cancer, but also to ensure that, despite the necessary treatment, women affected do not experience any loss in their quality of life. This is why obtaining a second opinion from a plastic surgeon specialising in tumour and breast reconstruction surgery is always recommended.

«In breast cancer surgery, our focus is on completely removing the tumour and
directly achieving the best possible aesthetic result.»
Dr Cédric A. George

Current reconstruction options

A variety of proven, highly innovative surgical methods are also used for breast reconstruction today. Complex reconstructive surgery, particularly with the patient’s own tissue, requires extensive surgical expertise and many years of experience in the field of microsurgery. Few centres are currently able to offer their patients the full range of reconstruction methods. The Centre for Breast Cancer Surgery at the Pyramid Clinic specialises in autologous reconstruction, which uses the patient’s own tissue.

Brochure on the Centre for Breast Cancer Surgery

«Breast cancer:
A question of quality of life»
(in German)

Brochure Download

Centre for Breast Cancer Surgery
Pyramid Clinic
Bellerivestrasse 34
CH-8034 Zurich

+41 44 388 15 15
+41 44 388 14 15


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