Internal medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of diseases that affect all organs, structures and systems of the human body.
Internists are specialists in general internal medicine. They provide comprehensive, continuous and efficient care for people with complex multiple illnesses or clinical pictures that are not possible to diagnose straight away, on an outpatient and inpatient basis.
Internists have extensive knowledge of standard examination methods such as blood and urine tests and X-rays. They can assess which investigations should be used and select the right treatment for you.
People who are chronically unwell may be treated by a specialist in internal medicine over a longer period if needed, including at home or in a care facility. Internists perform minor surgery such as suturing wounds under local anaesthetic.
For specialised treatments, internists refer their patients to specialists with the appropriate training.
Internal medicine specialists may consult with patients at the Pyramid Clinic before, during or after a surgical procedure. For example, they may advise on further investigations for heart or metabolic conditions.
In our index of doctors you will find specialists in the following areas of internal medicine: