Corrective procedures

The results of breast cancer surgery or reconstruction don’t always meet the woman’s expectations. The shape of the breast may change over the years, or the body may have reacted to the implant with capsular contracture. In other cases, it may have been necessary to remove too much tissue during breast-conserving surgery. These days, there are a number of corrective solutions for all these problems.

Breast implant replacement for capsular contracture

The insertion of a breast implant leads to a reaction to the foreign object and the formation of a thin capsule, which usually remains soft. However, in certain cases, particularly after radiotherapy, capsular contracture can occur. This is a capsule of tough, fibrous tissue that is sometimes painful, which is accompanied by significant deformation of the breast. The breast implant must be replaced and the capsule partially removed.

Replacement of the breast implant with autologous tissue

With significant, extensive capsular contracture, and if exchanging the implant has not already led to the desired improvement, replacing the breast implant with the patient’s own tissue is an option. In this case, all of the methods for reconstruction with autologous tissue can be considered. The major advantage of these techniques is that they provide a permanent result and no further operations will be necessary.

Correction with injections of autologous fat

Following breast-conserving surgery or breast reconstruction, the new breast can be affected by indentations, soft tissue defects or significant scar contraction. In these cases, the injection of autologous fat has been established as a very good method for correcting any unevenness. As with liposuction, fat is collected, prepared in a special process, and then injected at the appropriate point. In some cases it is necessary to repeat the procedure. However, this is a minimally invasive procedure with very high patient satisfaction.

Brochure on the Centre for Breast Cancer Surgery

«Breast cancer:
A question of quality of life»
(in German)

Brochure Download

Centre for Breast Cancer Surgery
Pyramid Clinic
Bellerivestrasse 34
CH-8034 Zurich

+41 44 388 15 15
+41 44 388 14 15

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