Gynaecological surgery The Pyramid Clinic does not have an obstetrics department, but it covers a wide range of surgical treatments for diseases of the female reproductive organs, infertility and incontinence/bladder weakness. The gynaecological surgery spectrum at the Pyramid Clinic includes the following procedures: Removal of ovarian cysts or tumours Removal of fibroids Treatment for endometriosis Surgical treatment for ectopic pregnancy Dilation and curettage (D&C) Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Ovarian and fallopian tube surgery Infertility treatment Female sterilisation procedures Urinary incontinence and pelvic floor weakness Since the expansion of laparoscopic surgery in the 1970s, this method of endoscopic or minimally invasive access to the abdominal cavity has developed rapidly, making classic laparotomy now largely redundant in surgical gynaecology. This means that most procedures can be performed using minimally invasive methods. Neuropelveology is a specialist field within gynaecological surgery. This is an interdisciplinary field focusing on neurological, gynaecological and urological issues, and diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pelvic nerves in particular. Contact Doctors